Are you an intellectual property expert or freelance writer? Do you want to get published on our blog? Check out our writing guidelines below!

Please take a moment to review this entire page as it explains the submission process and other important details.

This will ensure that your submission meets what we’re looking for and improve your chances of getting the article published on our blog.

Pitch your ideas

Before sending us your article, you must first submit a pitch via our contact form with the following information:

  • Propose 3 sample titles for the article
  • Include focus keywords for each topic
  • Tell us a few words about yourself
  • Include links to your previously published articles
  • Include links to your own blog or website
  • Set the subject in the contact form to "I want to write for you"

We’ll do our best to review all submitted pitches as quickly as possible. Most of the time it won’t take longer than 7 days to get back to you. Please be patient and don’t resubmit the same pitch multiple times.

Note that we’ll contact you only if we’re interested in your pitch. If you don’t hear from us for over a week, it means we’re not interested in your pitch.

Article guidelines

If your pitch is approved and you’re asked to submit an article, it must meet the following guidelines:

  • Minimum of 2000 words
  • Must be unique and not previously published anywhere else
  • Include relevant screenshots, charts, and graphs but not stock images
  • Must be search engine friendly (use proper headings, paragraphs, etc)
  • Must be written around the focus keyword that represents your topic
  • When quoting or using factual information, you must link to authoritative sources to back it up
  • You may include 1 link to your own website as long as it's relevant (except for a homepage or landing page)
  • Do not include any links in the introduction

And it goes without saying that the article must be:

  • Free of spelling mistakes and plagiarism
  • Must not violate any copyrights, patents, or trademarks
  • Must not contain unlawful, hateful, or threatening language

Ownership and credit

If your article is accepted and published, your information will appear along with it. As such, make sure to also include your bio (no more than 50 words) and a link to your website along with your article submission.

You understand and agree that the article submitted and published by us will become our exclusive property. You understand and agree that you don’t have the right to republish the article on your own website or anywhere else (e.g. web, print, etc).

Review process

Not all submitted articles will be accepted. We reserve the right to refuse any article at our sole discretion. If your article is not accepted, we’ll get in touch with you to let you know so you could possibly make another submission.

Article publishing

If your article is accepted, it will be added to our publication queue and published according to its schedule. We’ll send you a notification when that happens. Note that we reserve the right to make corrections and changes in the article as we see fit (such as its format, wording, spelling, etc).

Have questions?

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your pitches and submissions!

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